product fish
Belca flow packers for the fish product group
Shown below are flow packers with different packaging applications for fish. Would you like to know more about the flowpack applications? Please feel free to contact one of our specialists. Do you want more information? Watch the flowpack videos and the flowpack versions below.
Flow pack videos
Packaging solutions are shown below through videos. For details and properties see flowpack versions below.
Wrap fish with shrink wrap and a box-motion end seal. The shrinking is done with the Belca shrink tunnel.
Center seal at the top.
Application packaging of fish in a shrink wrap tray with a gas barrier. Gas flushing and box motion are the starting points. In this video, there happens to be cheese in the tray. Center seal at the bottom. It is possible, for example, to flow pack smoked fish in a cardboard tray with shrink wrap and gassing 70% O2 and 30% CO2.
With the Belca flow packer SP100 series in combination with the Belca shrink tunnel, we can give the frozen fish at -20 degrees the right protection for the import/export trade.
Special shrink film to shrink the fish quickly and effectively.
Wrap fish with shrink wrap and a box-motion end seal.
Wrap fish with shrink wrap and a box-motion end seal.
Center seal at the top.
Flowpack versions
- Center seal bottom
- Box-motion end seal / rotary end seal
- Foil supply from above
- Belt infeed or chain infeed with carriers
- Center seal top
- Box-motion end seal / rotary end seal
- Foil supply from below
- Belt infeed or chain infeed with carriers
Center seal top of flow packers
- Hygienic packaging of food
- Short changeover time for product change
- Time saving film change
- Cost saving
- Euroslot option
- Box-Motion system
Would you like to know more about our options for flowpack applications? Please feel free to contact one of our specialists. We are happy to provide you with appropriate advice in your business process.